Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Received a gift from Sam Sum in the mail. Take a look at the pictures, need I say more?


Anonymous said... beautiful...
...shall we dance?

Anonymous said...

I like the fish fish patterns :)

chloe said...

hi there, you look gorgeous. who is Sam Sum, one of your admirer?

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear
You look like an plush toy expensively wrapped and displayed in an Japanese Department store .

Lovely Lovely

Anonymous said...

Symui. My mom finally got to check your blog again & after she showed me your pictures in your new outfit she agreed that I could drop you a note. I am so happy to see what a wonderful home you have & that you are obviously being very spoiled. I don't dare tell your sister, Morgaine about your new outfit as she will want one just as nice. You look fantastic & obviously love getting dressed up. I am happy that you are going to puppy class & hope that you are doing everything you are told & take a word of advise from your mother. Don't be so vocal. It won't get you more attention. Everyone here is great & I am expecting some more brothers & sisters for you in about 4 weeks. Be good. With love from, Your mom, Bailey.