Saturday, October 6, 2007

Being blue...

Don't let the header mislead you in thinking that I'm down or upset...I'm just referring to my new baby blue beddings (my sis's favourite colour).

1 comment:

chloe said...

Hey Symui,
Lovely bed, I bet it's comfy too. Talking about down and blue, last Friday, I was dropped off 7:30 AM in the morning for my girly operation and got picked up around 5 PM. I am not sure what they gave me, I was dozing off all night and Saturday Morning. I Felt a little better in the afternoon, have my appetite back and was bouncing around at night. Mom and Dad had lots of relatives over for Sunday Thanksgiving and worried about me being too active. Surprisingly, I was behaving most of the time, however, didn't get no Turkey meat....bummer. As far as I know, I am healing well and I have to say, it feels good bouncing around again. Oh Oh Oh, I have a micro chip in me now, supposedly one can tell who M $ D is and where I live if I found lost. Hmmm, may be I can try it out , may be not. Talk to you later ....Chow
Chloe :)