So excited to see all the comments that were made in response to my previous posting. First of all, responding to Chloe: Sam Sum = my Aunt Becky from HK. Though I haven't met her, but for sure I know she has good fashion taste. :)
Mom (as in my real doggie mom)!!! I'm so excited to hear from you! Glad to know that everyone is doing well and that you'll be busy with new puppies again. I'll for sure ask my family to bring me to visit some day.
For some of my recent updates, the reason that I didn't get to blog for a while was that I had just had my "operation" last week. It really took me no time to recover - I was back to my bouncy self by the next day. The "problem" according to my mom and dad was exactly my jumpiness...everyone in the house is now trying to keep me from running, climbing, jumping, chasing, playing....pretty much everything that I love to do! O well...guess it's all for my own good....but it's getting boooooorrriiiinnnng.
Anyhow....did get to visit my bro's place and found my favourite spot in the corner.
Dearest Jumpy Symui,
Cheers!!! You'll be recovered soon :)
Happy about your speedy recovery. I will be going through the same this late October. Can't say I am looking forward to it. Guess what?
I went to my first training class and they showed me how to walk, pay attention, that kind of things. I think I am doing OK. I certainly get a lot of treats. Couple of weeks ago, I received my booster shot and weighed in at 13 lbs, I believe I am around 15 lbs by now. Mom and Dad said I am a lot heavier that's for sure. Good photo, Don't you love the to you later!!!
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